Enactive/07 .... Enaction_in_Arts Call for Participations
November 19-22, 2007
Grenoble, France
The ACROE-ICA research group is pleased to announce that it will organise the Enactive/07 .... Enaction_in_Arts event, on November 19-22, 2007, in Grenoble, France. This is an international scientific and cultural event, promoted by the European Network of Excellence ENACTIVE.
Seizing the opportunity of its organisation in Grenoble, an historical place in France for Innovation in Arts, Enactive/07 - 4th International Conference on Enactive Interfaces will be extended by an exceptional intellectual and artistic event : Enaction_in_Arts.
4th International Conference on Enactive Interfaces
In the continuation of previous editions, Enactive / 07 aims at promoting the concept of Enaction in the field of Information and Communication Technologies. Creative researchers, innovative engineers and producers are invited to confront their last theoretical, experimental, technological and applicated advances during various talk, demo and poster sessions.
Arts & Culture is one of the main fields that are intimately linked with contemporary concepts and technologies. Enaction_in_Arts sessions aim at promoting innovative artistic creations, theories and technologies for the Future of Arts. It will be a unique meeting at the crossing point of Art – Science – Technology and will offer to researchers, engineers and artists the opportunity to discover cutting-edge research, technologies and artworks centered around Enaction and Enactive Systems.
Your are cordially invited to submit :
- Artworks and demonstrations for Enaction_in_Arts sessions (deadline March 20, 2007)
- Scientific papers or posters (deadline July 20, 2007)
- Ateliers (deadline September 10, 2007)
- Exhibit spaces (deadline September 10, 2007)
Please visit the Enactive/07 website for additional information and submissions :
Olivier Tache
Associate Researcher - Doctorate Applicant
Laboratoire Informatique et CrÈation Artistique
INPG, 46, av. FÈlix Viallet
38031 Grenoble Cedex, France
Tel. +33 (0) 476574660
Fax +33 (0) 476574889