SLIDERS_lab [F. Curien, J.-M. Dallet]
Prefiguration of the First Chengde Biennale, China.
Exposition Endless Horizon, 2015
Curateur : Lee Jang uk
du 15 Juin au 15 Juillet 2017
Endless Horizon is inspired by the book of Johannes Kepler, the Mysterium
Cosmographicum (1596), in which the famous German astronomer gives a new
model of the universe construction. In his cosmogony, the six planets known at the
time, from Mercury to Saturn, are nested within each other. Mathematically speaking,
the space between them is being successively occupied by the five closest regular
platonic solids, all inscribed in a sphere. Our movie offers a re-reading of this
geometrical model of the solar system, using virtual regular polyhedrons. It displays
the moving "planets", that the viewer is led to explore, as he passes through them. It
is an infinite journey into the dimensions of space and time that he is invited. The
space here is immeasurable and the image reflected by the virtual universe is
projected to infinity, abolishing the notion of horizon. The Endless time of a journey in
multiple worlds, loops itself and imposes a model of Eternal return.